Strategic focus
Promote Inclusive Advocacy
- Foster dialogue between Policy makers/influencers (TCB, TCDC and Min of Ag.)
- Enhance dialogue(1.1) between Policy makers and Private Sector ( through TCA)
Develop and communicate sector updates
- Conduct Sector stakeholder and activities mapping
- Organize and present latest sector data
- Publish relevant sector research
Expand GAPs capacity building through the multi-stakeholder approach
- Advocate for adoption of National Sustainability Coffee Curriculum (NSCC) Manual as the national training tool for coffee in Tanzania
- Continue and expand Training of Trainers (ToT) to the extensions both private and public in coffee production zones
- Strengthening Cooperatives in GAPS, Management, Marketing, Gender and Youth involvement, and other technologies
Cross-Cutting Themes
- Create awareness on mitigation and adaptation of climate changes
- Targeted inclusion of women and youth in the coffee sector (revenue-generation)
- Awareness creation, mitigation and preparedness of emerging crisis