Café Africa Tanzania is one of the five partners in the CODE-P EU Agriconnnect Project in the Southern regions of Tanzania. The lead partner is Vi Agroforestry. The EU provides 80% of the budget, with the remaining 20% provided by the Swedish Government (Sverige) through Vi Agroforestry.
CODE-P is a four-year project (2020-2024) aimed to contribute towards inclusive and sustainable development of the coffee value chain for enhanced incomes and improved nutrition status of 24,000 SHF (14,400 women and 9,600 men between the age 18 and 35 years) in six districts of three regions: Ruvuma (Mbinga and Nyasa), Mbeya (Mbeya and Rungwe), and Songwe (Ileje and Mbozi).
Project objectives
- Increase climate resilient production and productivity of quality coffee through equitable and efficient resource allocations (R1).
- Increase incomes from improved postharvest, processing capacities and market linkages (smallholder farmers, small and medium enterprises – SME’s) and financial services linkages (R2).
- Enhance competitiveness of coffee value chain with supportive policy and regulatory framework (R3).
- Education to 24,000 coffee smallholder farmers (Agronomy, Postharvest management, SALM practices, Gender mainstreaming etc.) in 6 districts (Mbozi, Songwe, Ileje, Mbeya DC, Rungwe, Mbinga and Nyasa).
- 60 AMCOS+ each supporting 400 Coffee farmers.
- Support rehabilitation of 60 CPU’s (Central Pulping Unit) owned by 60 AMCOS.
- Production of 7 million coffee seedlings.
- Government Extension Officers involved in the project area and other different Coffee value chain stakeholders including private sector